
New Chapter | Cath

Hello there, beautiful people.
What seems to be a year ago or so, I stopped blogging for an unknown reason (coff-SCH-coff-OOL), but this year I'm determined to start again. 
I didn't delete/modify/adapt my old posts (even though the terrible grammar, which will probably survive - ugh) because how can I improve if I continue deleting what I did? I wouldn't be able to see the differences, to see what changed and what is changing.

Well, I don't want to add anything more to this post, just some random pictures I took during this year that I particularly like and that I think represent what I've become and what I'm becoming. I hope you'll enjoy them!
(Passo del Tonale - Italy)

(Carona - Italy)

(Railway - Czech Republic)

(Valleve - Italy)

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